
Migraines are syndromes in which the most common symptom is headache. It is prevalent worldwide, with 18% of women and %6 of men having experienced it within a year. It ranges from being annoying and harmless to life-threatening. A typical episode lasts anywhere from four to 72 hours, and can be paired with upset stomach, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise. Some types do not have pain or may be felt in parts of the body other than the head.

There are many different types of this type of headache, and many different triggers. Some of the may be due to allergies, bright lights, loud noises or certain scents, physical and emotional stress, irregular sleep patterns, smoking, malnutrition, dehydration, alcohol and caffeine, menstrual cycles, and certain foods. Weather can also be a cause, with humidity being the most frequent. Most people suffer an episode due to one or more of these triggers.

There are several methods of treatment:

The first being to avoid triggers,

The second is to control your intake of certain triggers,

The third being alternative and pharmaceutical medicines.

Medicines can be herbal and include butter bur, fever few, cannabis, kudzu root and vitamin b12. Message, physical therapy, as well as acupuncture and acupressure also can be effective.

Heat and cold applied to the affected area have been found to be highly effective for Migraines